Wednesday 12 May 2021

Lansium domesticum ( Duku - Indonesia, Malay, Burmese)

Duku (Lansium domesticum) is a type of tropical fruit that grow primarily in Southeast Asia region. In Indonesia, Malaysia and Burma this fruits have the same name. Duku is a popular fruit and a favorite in the subcontinent. Sweet taste with a lot of water content is a perfect blend to be enjoyed in tropical climates that tend to heat. Duku fruit, relatively inexpensive and easily found everywhere, especially at harvest time.

Lansium domesticum

There are several different varieties of Duku, such Kokosan, Langsat in Indonesia, Langsat, lansa, langseh, langsep in Malay, Langsad and longkong in Thailand and some others varieties. Duku also be found in some South American countries like Suriname and Puerto Rico, except in South Asia such as India and Sri Lanka.

Duku, as is generally the other tropical fruits was originally a species that grows in the forest. However, due to the fruit popularity and economic value,   now planned cultivation already done.

Duku color is green when young and  becomes ivory colored when old, can be eaten without any further process. Soft and thin skinned, slightly oval-shaped with a length between 2 to 3 cm.

Scientific classification
  • Kingdom      : Plantae
  • Division       : Magnoliophyta
  • Class            : Magnoliopsida
  • Order            : Sapindales
  • Family         : Meliaceae
  • Genus          : Lansium
  • Species        : L. domesticum

Nutrition for every 100 grams of fruit duku calories contained 70 cal, 1.0 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 13 g carbohydrates, 0.7 g minerals, 18 mg calcium, phosphorus 9 mg and 0.9 mg of iron. For the calorie content, mineral and iron duku level higher than that of content of apples or content of oranges.

Economic Prospect

Duku is very popular in Indonesia and Malaysia, this is one of the favorite fruit among the other tropical fruits at those countries. In Indonesia, especially on the islands of Sumatra and Java, duku has been cultivated as a production crop by local farmers. But unfortunately this agricultural process is still carried out in a traditional way. So the results depend on the season.

Because of this way of farming, this fruit which is rich in nutrition, sweet and very refreshing, so far has only become local consumption, has not become a promising inter-country trade. Duku will definitely be liked by many people if it is introduced more widely and its potential market is taken seriously.

This tree is a hardwood, so it is possible to make various tools and it can also be used as a good building material. Duku trees will be cut down when they are old and no longer productive. Unfortunately, the beneficial content of this valuable wood is often considered only as waste and turned into firewood. Of course you can see from the  business point of view, how this commercial value is wasted.