Showing posts with label Sub-Tropical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sub-Tropical. Show all posts

Thursday 6 July 2023

Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)

Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)
is a very popular fruit in Southeast Asia. This region is a major producer and consumer of this fruit. Sapodilla preferred mainly because it tastes sweet and soft flesh. This plant is thought to originate from tropical America-such as Guatemala, Mexico, and the West Indies-and in Java, this plant can be found in the lowlands. The Spanish colonizers brought from Mexico to the Philippines, and the possibility of it spreading to Southeast Asia.

Sapodilla has now grown in many tropical regions of the world. Brown manila germplasm collections are in Los Banos (Philippines), Queensland (Australia), India, Cuba, Brazil, Costa Rica, Florida and Hawaii (USA) and several other countries.


Most sapodilla fruit eaten fresh as a table fruit.  However, sapodilla can also be processed into sherbet, mixed into ice cream, or used as jam. Sapodilla fruit juice can be concentrated into syrup, or fermented into wine or vinegar. The sap can be used as glue or varnish.

Characteristic of the three:
Large and shady tree, can grow up to 30-40 m tall, low-branched, rough-skinned trunk blackish gray to dark brown.  All passages containing latex, the milky white sap thick.

Single leaf, is having an intermittent, often accumulate at the tip of twigs, leaves flat brimmed, slightly hairy, dark green, shiny, round-egg shape oblong to somewhat lanceolate, 1.5 to 7 x 3.5 to 15 cm, the base and the tip wedge shape, stemmed from 1 to 3.5 cm, the main veins prominent on the lower side.

Single flowers in axillary panicles located near the end of the twigs, stalks 1-2 cm, often hanging, flower diameter s, / d 1.5 cm, brownish hairy side outside. The petals are usually arranged in two circles; crowns bell shape, white, share up to half the length of the tube.

Sapodilla can flower and fruit throughout the year, but in general there are one or two peak fruiting season. In Thailand, the peak season is between September and December, while in the Philippines between December-February.  Sapodilla fruit widely grown in lowland areas, although it grew well up to a height of about 2500 m above sea level.  Can grow at an altitude of 300 m above sea level,  sapodilla trees resistant to drought, salinity is somewhat higher, and the harsh winds. The most suitable soil is a sandy loam soil that is fertile and well-drained. 

The Fruit:
Manilkara zapota

Short-stemmed bunni fruit, round, oval or oblong, 3-6 x 3-8 cm, reddish to yellowish brown on the outside with coarse brown scales are easy to peel, often with the rest of the dried stigma stalk ends. Thin-skinned, with tender flesh and sometimes granular, reddish brown to yellowish, sweet and contains lots of juice.  Seed  can be up to 12 points, but most are less than 6, flat oval, glossy black or brownish, long about 2 cm,  white pieces of wax beans.

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz):
Energy 347 kJ (83 kcal), Carbohydrates 19.96 g, Dietary fiber5.3 g, Fat 1.1 g, Protein 0.44 g, Riboflavin (vit. B2) 0.02 mg (2%), Niacin (vit. B3) 0.2 mg (1%), Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.252 mg (5%), Vitamin B6 0.037 mg (3%), Folate (vit. B9) 14 μg (4%), Vitamin C 4.7 mg (18%), Calcium 21 mg (2%), Iron 0.8 mg (6%), Magnesium 12 mg (3%), Phosphorus 12 mg (2%), Potassium 193 mg (4%), Sodium 12 mg (1%), Zinc 0.1 mg (1%).
Source : USDA Database.

Economic facts:
Particularly in Southeast Asia, the fruit is very popular. However, so far there has not been enough data to determine the number of sapodilla fruit production both globally and regionally. This delicious fruit valuable, although not yet be called expensive on the market of Southeast Asia.

In Southeast Asia, this fruit cultivation spread evenly, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia, but there has been no cultivation on an industrial scale.

Scientific classification:
Kingdom : Plantae
(unranked) : Angiosperms
(unranked) : Eudicots
(unranked) : Asterids
Order : Ericales
Family : Sapotaceae
Genus : Manilkara

Thursday 15 June 2023

Marian Plum - Bouea macrophylla Griffith

Marian Plum is an endemic of South East Asia, and has Scientific name Bouea macrophylla Griffith. Even though it is becoming scarce in its source area, Marian Plum is still well known and has the local names Gandaria or Djatake (Indonesia) and serapoh, kondongan, kundang (Malaysia).

Marian Plum  is a tree of the humid tropics and thrives in light and fertile soil. It occurs naturally in lowland forests below 300 m altitude, but has been successfully cultivated up to elevations of about 850 m.

Tree with clear sap turning black. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite which is rare within the Anacardiaceae, distichous (in one plane along the twig), simple, large, glabrous. Flowers small, placed in small branched inflorescences. Fruits c. 3 cm long, orange-red fleshy drupes.

Characteristics of the tree: 

The tree is medium, but high. The height can reach 25 m with a diameter of 55 cm. The plant canopy is conical or round in shape with dense leaves so it is very suitable for use as a shade plant. The leaves are single and lanceolate to elliptical in shape, the leaves are large with leaves 13-35 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. Plants if grown from seeds will begin to bear fruit at the age of 6-8 years, while if from a connection they will bear fruit 4-5 years later. Naturally, gandaria plants grow to a height of 300 m above sea level. The best growth is in soil with good drainage.

The fruit resembles a round and small mango. The type is like a stone fruit, giving off a thick liquid and a distinctive smell like turpentine. When they are young, they are green in color, and when they are ripe, they are yellow-orange. The seeds are purple, oval-oval to lanceolate or oblong in shape. When young white, then gradually dark purple, then dark green. Fruit length 3-6 cm with a width of 3-4 cm. Seeds 2-5 cm in diameter with bright purple cotyledons. The inflorescences are panicles, the flowers resemble yellow mango flowers, and appear in the axils of the leaves. Flowering in September-December.


A popular fruit tree with diminutive mango-like fruits. Although generally rather acid even whenfully ripe, the fruit is much consumed fresh, cooked in syrup or made into an excellent compote. However, the use of the young fruits is more important; they serve as ingredient of a special kind of 'sambal', the chilli-based condiment, and in pickles ('asinan'), the bright purple cotyledons in the big seed adding to the attraction of the concoction. Occasionally the young leaves ¡ª which are deep violet, sometimes strikingly white when they emerge ¡ª are also consumed fresh, to be eaten with the gandaria- flavoured 'sambal'. Gandaria is recommended for planting in transmigration areas in Sumatra because of its abundant fruit production and very dense foliage, making it an excellent shade tree. The timber is durable but only used for minor purposes.


According to the Nutrition Division of the Thai Ministry of Health, every 100 grams of Mirian Plump contains:

Water : 86,6 g

Proteins         : 40 mg

Fat         : 20 mg

Carbohydrate         : 11,3 g

Fiber : 150 mg

Niacin : 0,5 mg

Vitamin C : 100 mg

Calcium         : 9 mg

Phosphor         : 4 mg

Iron         : 0,3 mg

Beta carotene         : 23 mg

Thiamine         : 0,11 mg

Riboflavin : 0,05 mg

Economic Potential

We do not yet have complete data on the global production of this fruit, but as far as we know there have been no serious cultivation efforts to develop this plant and produce one or several products that have high economics. Food, drink and health products.

With the nutritional potential as above, do you think that Mirian Plum has a high enough economic potential?

Scientific classification:

Kingdom            :         Plantae
Division            :         Magnoliophyta
Class            :         Magnoliopsida
Order                  :         Sapindales
Family                :         Anacardiaceae
Genus                 :          Boueae

Thursday 13 May 2021

Guava (Psidium guajava)

Guava (Psidium guajava), is a tropical plant from Brazil, which then spread to many other tropical countries, and became a popular fruit in there. Has a green rind when young and turn yellow when ripe and have white or red meat fruit and sweet-sour taste, Guava contain a lot of vitamin C.

Guava leaves contain tannins, eugenol (essential oils), fatty oil, resin, tannin substances, triterpinoid, apfel acid. While fruit contains amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, and C, however, guava leaf not common to consume and only used as part of herbal medicine.

These plants include Myrtaceae family, grown in the lowlands to the highlands 1,200 meters above sea level; in loose soil to clay soils, especially in open areas and plenty of water.

Monday 10 May 2021

Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)

Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), is the geographical origin and spread of South America and Central America. However, has been widely planted in the southern United States since prehistoric times, and have been found at archaeological sites in Mexico dated 3000 years BC. Now this bean has been commonly grown throughout the tropics.

The legume seeds produce a kind of bean that can be used as a source of vegetable protein can be processed in various types of processed foods, although presently, cultivation is not so intensive.

Characteristic of the tree:

Jack bean can adapt well in the humid tropics, but also can survive in periods of drought. These beans can be grown in areas with an annual rainfall ranges from 700-4000 mm. Although Jack bean is a low-lying plant but can also be grown at altitudes up to 1800 m., Best growth in full sunlight but have moderate shade tolerance. These beans tolerant to a variety of soil conditions including acid and covers a land area of arid tropics but are less affected by lack of water or salt content compared with other nuts.

Liana short-lived annual with a deep root system, or creeping shrub with twisted lengths of up to 2-3 m. Accordance with age, stems become woody. Branching growth on the lowest book and some secondary branches also grow.

Leaves alternate, consisting of 3 strands, 11-17 cm long petiole; leaves oblong-shaped round eggs, measuring 5-20 cm x 3-12 cm, tapered or rounded and taper at the top, rarely covered with short hairs on both surfaces , the veins appear and spy nets.

Mauve colored flower to purple, or sometimes white, came out with bunches in the armpit with a swell book which underpins 1-3 flowers on long flower stalks with 2-5 mm. Stems 10-35 cm long bunches, bunches up to 20 cm long, oblong pods, measuring 15-35 cm x 3-3.5 cm, containing 8-20 seeds, each valve with rib hem and there is an extra rib underneath. Seeds elliptical, measuring approximately 21 mm x 15 mm x 10 mm, ivory or white, with long brown hilum 6-9 mm.

Benefits of Jack Bean:

These beans are traditionally used as animal feed, the tree is widely planted as a cover crop, or planted for green manure in rotation with other crops. For fodder, the beans are usually dried before it is given as a livestock feed and can also be stored for inventory. Ripened seeds, then ground and used as a solid food at the farm. Half- ripe seeds are mixed with grain used to feed livestock in Hawaii.

Young seeds and pods are used as a vegetable for human food. 

Mature seeds with boiled or baked foods commonly eaten as tasty in Indonesia, but excluding Japan and tropical Asia, this species are now grown as crops for human food, although the numbers are still small. Seeds are usually burned and ground as coffee mixture. In Indonesia, flowers and young leaves steamed and used as flavorings. Urease is distilled from the seeds is used in the analysis in the laboratory. In Indonesia and China, beans and peas are heated and used as a medicine has been alleged that some of the basic content of the beans may be used for treatment purposes or for pest control.

The common Jack bean is also a source of the lectin concanavalin A, which is used as a reagent in glycoprotein biochemistry and immunology.

There are a lot of benefits we can get from this kind of fruit. Of course economic value can be calculated along with those fact.

Scientific classification:
  • Kingdom: Plantae (plants).
  • Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plants).
  • Superdivisio: Spermatophyta (plants that produce seeds).
  • Division: Magnoliophyta (plants with flowers).
  • Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two plants / dicots).
  • Sub-class: Rosidae.
  • Order: Fabales.
  • Familia: Fabaceae (legumes tribe).
  • Genus: Canavalia.
  • Species:  Canavalia ensiformis

Friday 7 May 2021

Corn or Maize (Zea mays)

Corn or Zea mays or commonly referred to Maize is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates, especially in the western hemisphere. Known, maize has become a staple food of the people of Mexico and Latin America since prehistoric times. From Central America, the plant with the same name of the fruit is then grown to almost all tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world. Currently maize, become an important agricultural business from local, regional to multinational size of scope.

Characteristics of the tree:

Corn is a tropical grass plants is very adaptive to climate change and have a life span of 70-210 days. Corn can grow to a height of 3 meters. Unlike other grain crops, maize is a plant that flowers only males and females separately.

Maximum temperature of the corn crop and the start of the growth phase of development is 18-32 degrees Celsius. Beyond that maize can not be grown or even death. Corn can produce good yields on rainfall 300 mm per month. If less than 300 mm per month will result in damage to the maize crop, however, the factors of soil moisture also resulted in reduced yields.

Root: From an anatomical point of view, the roots of corn plants consisting of the epidermis, ground tissue, and endodermis that surrounding the vascular roots system, vascular system composed of xylem and phloem. The epidermis is composed of cells of elliptic and confrontation with two layers of hypodermis. Being morphologically maize root system consists of seminal roots, coronal, and aerial roots. 

The amount of the main outermost roots is between 20 - 30 pieces. Lateral roots that grow from the main root can reach hundreds with 2.5 to 25 cm long. Botanically maize plants including monocot, the main roots emerge and grow entered into the soil since the seed planted. Root growth slowed when the stems begin to arise out of land and then stop when the corn plant has 3 leaves.

Root growths then continued by growth of adventitious roots that develop in the first segment of maize crop. Adventitious roots are not growing from the radicle, then widened and thickened; the root is then played an important role as an enforcer of plants and absorbing nutrients. Adventitious roots were also found growing in the segment to two and three to the trunk, but its main function is not known with certainty.

Trunk: The trunk-shaped segments. In an old maize plant, the distance between sections will be lower. Stem segments can reach the number of 10-40, corn trunk generally unbranched, and trunk has two functions: as a place where the leaves grow and nutrient exchange. Nutrients carried by vessels called xylem and phloem. Phloem moving in either direction from top to bottom and from bottom to top, phloem is sucrose carrier to all parts of the plant in liquid form. Maize stem color is green, green to yellowish.

Leaf: Anatomy of the leaves of maize plants are relatively similar in characters to the grass that living in mild climate areas (mesophytic grass). Outermost epidermal tissue called the cuticle so that has to be rough. Epidermal tissue always outside, crystalline silica found in some types of leaves that come from different varieties. Crystalline silica is adjacent to the epidermal tissue, which serves as a binder. In the monocot plants such as maize, the leaves do not have the palisade tissue. Each vascular system surrounded by parenchyma tissue that hard but thin. Vascular system surrounded by bundle sheath. Corn is a C4 plant types, C4 plants have a large chloroplast cells and scattered rigidly. Chloroplasts located in the mesophyll leaf, which is located in the center of the leaf tissue.

Leaves are formed from the midrib and leaf (leaf blade and sheath). Leaves emerge from the stem segments, appears parallel to the leaf midrib stems. Leaf midrib brown colored covering almost all the corn stalks. In the early phase of growth, stem and leaves cannot be clearly distinguished. This is because the growing point is still below ground. New leaf can be distinguished by the stem when the leaves first 5 in the growth phase, emerge from the ground. New leaves will appear at the growing point. Growing point maize leaves on stem segments. Maize leaf numbering about 20 strands depending on the variety. In line with the growth of maize, stem diameter increases. Leaf color is green to yellowish green.

Flower, fruits, and seeds:

Flowers: Maize is monoecious plant in which every individual plant has male and female flowers. Male flowers lie at the growing point maize plants. When stalled growth phase, intact form of the female flowers will be obvious. Female flowers located in the center of the plant. Pollination occurs in the cornhusk, which will then develop into maize.

Male flowers found in flower panicles at the end of the plant, while the female flowers are found on maize cobs. Stigma stalk is frayed at the ends of hair that always cob wrapped in cornhusk whose numbers 6-14 strands. In the female flowers, there are a number of splitting hair ends and is quite a lot.

Male flowers have a central spike and a few lateral branches. Each spike has many flowers. The flower is called spikelet. Spikelet carrying pollen. Pollen began flying for 2 days before the female flowers are ready to accept. Escape of pollen from the male flowers will continue for 8 days in which the female flower is ready to receive it.

Female flowers appear on the axis of the leaf area (leaf axis). Not all leaf axis may issue female flowers, only 1 or 2 axis leaves may be the growth of female flower.

On maize plants, female flowers appear on the center of the trunk, female flowers similar to male flowers in the form of hair. Pollen from male flowers tied by a silk or a major part female flower shaped like hair. Pollen then fertilizes the pistil.

Fruit and seeds: Every single tree produces one or two corncobs, depending on variety. Corncobs covered by leaves cornhusk. Cornhusk leaf green when young, turn into yellowish white when the fruit has old, and dry. Corn cobs are located on the top of the first established and generally larger than those at the bottom. Each ear consists of 10-16 seed line whose number is always even.

The combination of cob, seeds and skin cover is commonly known as the fruit of corn. Corn cob length between 8-20 cm, depending on the varieties and cultivation techniques.

Corn seed is a type of cereal, the average weight of between 250-300 mg. Corn kernels are classified as caryopsis, because corn seeds have a perfect embryo structure, as well as the nutrients needed by the new individual candidates for future growth and progress. Endosperm is the largest part of the seeds, consisting of hard and soft endosperm. In addition to the endosperm, there is still a pericarp, and embryo. 

Endosperm starch composed of anhydroglucose compounds, most of which consists of two molecules, namely amylase and amyl pectin, and a small portion of material between.

However, in some types there are variations in the proportion of corn amylase and amyl pectin content. Corn grain endosperm protein consists of several factions, which are classified based on their solubility into albumin (soluble in water), globulin (dissolved in saline), or prolamine zein (soluble in high concentrations of alcohol), and gluten (soluble in alkali). In most of the corn, the proportion of each protein fraction was albumin 3%, 3% globulin, prolamine 60%, and 34% gluten.

Nutrient content:

Corn kernels are rich in carbohydrates. Most are on endosperm. Carbohydrate content can reach 80% of all dry seeds.

Carbohydrates in the form of starch are generally a mixture of amylase and amyl pectin. At glutinous corn, most or all of the starch is amyl pectin. This difference has little impact on the nutritional content, but rather as a means in the processing of foodstuffs. Sweet corn contains lower amyl pectin, but has more sucrose.

Corn nutrient content per 100 grams:
  • Calories: 355 Calories
  • Protein: 9.2 g
  • Fat: 3.9 g
  • Carbohydrates: 73.7 g
  • Calcium: 10 mg
  • Phosphorus: 256 mg
  • Ferrum: 2.4 mg
  • Vitamin A: 510 SI
  • Vitamin B1: 0.38 mg
  • Water: 12 g
Business and production:

Corn is not only used as food for humans, feed corn is also a good material for livestock, especially poultry. Corn is now an important agricultural commodities in the world, and is cultivated in many parts of the world, be it in a no tropical to tropical. Plant breeding continues to produce the best quality. In developed countries, the agricultural crops of corn have been held in a modern and large-scale.

The United States, China and Brazil are the world's third-largest producer of corn in the world where overall production has reached more than 700 million tons. Of course, the market demand will continue to increase along with the increasing need for food for humans and livestock.

Corn (Maize) as a source of carbohydrate can be grown in all climates, apparently still exciting to be produced as part of the farm business.

Scientific Classification:

  • Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
  • Sub kingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
  • Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
  • Class: Liliopsida (dashed one monocots)
  • Sub Class: Commelinidae
  • Order: Poales
  • Family: Poaceae (grasses tribe)
  • Genus: Zea
  • Species: Zea mays L.

Sub species:

  • Flour corn — Zea mays var. amylacea
  • Popcorn — Zea mays var. everta
  • Dent corn  — Zea mays var. indentata
  • Flint corn — Zea mays var. indurata
  • Sweet corn — Zea mays var. saccharata and Zea mays var. rugosa
  • Waxy corn — Zea mays var. ceratina
  • Amylomaize — Zea mays
  • Pod corn — Zea mays var. tunicata Larrañaga ex A. St. Hil.
  • Striped maize — Zea mays var. japonica

Fijian longan or Island lychee (Pometia pinnata)

Pometia Pinnata

Fijian longan or Island lychee (Pometia pinnata) is a kind of tropical fruit come front South East Asia and Pacific Islands as their origin habitat. Now Pamotia Pinnata grows concentrated in Papua Island and has it local name Matoa. This tree product a sweet and nice fruit named the same with its tree Fijian Logan or Matoa.

The taste of this fruit is combination between Lychee and Durian, two kinds of fruits that is the favorite in South East Asia regions. Even though has its very nice taste, so far this fruit is not yet popular outside the area of grown. Even in Indonesia, where Matoa grow, many people are not familiar. So far, this fruit tree is not yet widely cultivated and is still a forest crop. The reason may be the reason why Matoa not well known, even in their growing area. Once again, this fruit has a unique flavor, fresh sweet and deliciously scented.

Characteristic of the tree:

The tree

Matoa (Pometia pinnata) is a typical fruit tree of Papua, relatively large trees with an average height of 18 meters with an average maximum diameter of 100 cm. Generally fruiting once a year. Flowering in July to October and fruiting 3 or 4 months later.

Matoa fruit spread in Papua are in almost all regions of the plains to a height of ± 1200 m ASL. It grows well in areas that dry soil conditions (not flooded) with a thick layer of soil. Climate needed for good growth is climate with high rainfall (> 1200 mm / year).

This plant is easy to adapt to hot or cold conditions. This tree is also resistant to insects, which generally spoil the fruit. The wood is rather hard to be made for building materials such as windows, doors, flooring and others. Seedling propagation of plants through seeds. Plants started to bear fruit at the age of 7-8 years after planting.

Taproot. The leaves are large, the form are round to elongated round , leaves bones protruding down, flat edge. Stems up to 1 m. Leafy compound, leaves are arranged alternate, , 4-12 pairs of leaflets. When young leaves are bright red, having grown into a green, oblong shape, length 30-40 cm, width of 8-15 cm. 

Compound flower and grows from the stalk tip, the form of flower is funnel. Round flower stalk, short, green, with petal-haired, green color. The stamens are short but the amount is a lots, white color. White-stalk, rounded base, white with a crown composed 3-4 strands of ribbon-shaped, yellow.

The Fruit:

Fijian Longan or Matoa

Round or oval fruit along 5-6 cm, the outer skin is smooth the color when the fruit ripe are yellowish green, yellow or red to black (depending on variety). Meat mushy fruit, white to yellowish, with a thickness varying from thin to thick. Round seed shape, light brown to blackish.

Sweet fruit flavors with aromas of fruit such as durian, the fruit has a lot of water, similar to litchi fruit. Clustered fruit in the fruit stalk. Each stem of the fruit contains 23-76 pieces weighing between 0,5 - 1,0 kg. Island lychee fruit rich with vitamin C and vitamin E, those nutrients serves among other as an antioxidant.

Scientific classification:
  • Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
  • Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular)
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta (produce seed)
  • Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering)
  • Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots
  • Sub-class: Rosidae
  • Order: Sapindales
  • Family: Sapindaceae
  • Genus: Pometia
  • Species: Pometia pinnata, Pometia acuminata and Pometia coreaceae.
Economic and Ecological Value.

Matoa fruit has promising economic prospects as a productive fruit crop. But unfortunately the business prospects of this fruit are still not being worked out in a large and planned manner. Along with the prospect of economic value, this fruit also contains ecological value for the improvement of the environment and ecosystem.

As a delicious fruit to consume, Fijian Longan also contains quite large amounts of vitamins C and E, as well as several other anti-oxidant elements. This can be an alternative for the world to add to the treasury of natural healthy foods. The need for tropical fruits is of course very large globally, this is the main factor why I put the economic prospects of this fruit into consideration.
Timber has many benefits, but now the use of forest wood will always be accompanied by environmental issues. Utilization of forest wood will go hand in hand with forest destruction if it is carried out carelessly without taking into account the sustainability of the forest as the lungs of the world and the guardian of fresh water supplies.

As I mentioned above, the Fujian Longan tree is a good hardwood to use for wood needs, sure if it is commercialized by observing the principles of a sustainable plantation industry, both economically and ecologically.
So far, especially in Papua Island as one of the biggest producers of this fruit, Matoa fruit is still mostly obtained as forest products and derived from wild or semi-wild plants. Of course, as a potential fruit that has not been glimpsed by the big plantation industries, the fruit production so far is still far from its true potential.

Friday 1 November 2013

Dragon fruit or Pitaya (Hylocereus)

Pitaya or dragon fruit (part genus Hylocereus) is a cactus plant that originated Mexico, Central America, and North America and are now spread all over the world. In the region of origin this plant named pitahaya dragon fruit or pitaya roja. Residents there often utilize this fruit to be served as fresh fruit consumption.

Although originating from North and Central America, dragon fruit became known as the plant from Asia; because this is precisely the dragon fruit has been cultivated on a large scale in several Asian countries, especially the countries of Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. This plant was originally intended as an ornamental plant, because the triangular shape and spiny stems short and has a beautiful flower shaped like a funnel and started to bloom at dusk and will bloom at night.

Characteristic of the tree:

Dragon fruit plant is a climbing plant species. In their natural habitat, these plants live by climbing other plants and epiphytes are not a parasitic plant. In these plants, this plant morphologically is part of incomplete plant because it does not have leaves.

Root: Dragon fruit roots are epiphytes, vines and attached to other plants. In cultivation, made truss rod to knock the dragon fruit plants. The roots of dragon fruit is resistant to drought but cannot stand in a puddle of water for too long. Although the roots removed from the soil, the plant still can live, they can absorb food and water from the air routes that grow on the trunk.

Rooting system of Dragon fruit including shallow rooting, just before production only reached a depth of 50-60 cm, stems roots in the soil is brown. So that normal root growth and could well require a degree of acidity of the soil under ideal conditions, ie pH 7. If the soil pH is below 5, the growth will be slow and the plants become stunted.

Stems and Branches: dragon fruit stem color is bluish-green or purplish. The rod-shaped or triangular elbow, contain water in the form of mucus and encrusted candles when an adult. This stems growing from the branches together with the shape and color stems and leaves to serve as an assimilation process and containing cambium that has its function on plant growth. On the trunk and branches of this plant, grow hard and short spines. Spines located on the edge of the right-angled stems and branches; there are 4-5 spines on each point of grow.

Flowers, fruits and seeds:

Flowers: Flowers elongated funnel-shaped measuring about 30 cm and will start bloom in the afternoon and will be in full bloom at night. After bloom, color inner petals are pure white, yellow stamen inside there, and then will issue a fragrant smell.

Fruit: Fruit elliptic and usually located near the end of a branch or stem. The fruit can grow more than one at any branch or stem, sometimes grow near. Leather pieces about 1-2 cm thick on the surface of the skin and fruit are fins or tassels measuring about 2 cm. Known at this time there are two different skin colors are maroon and yellow. The pulp is white or red depending on the variety.

Seeds: small round and thin but very hard. Seeds can be used as a generative plant propagation, but this is rarely done because it takes a long time to produce. Seeds usually used by researchers to come up with new varieties. Each fruit contains about 1000 seeds.

Nutrient content:
Based on the research of Taiwan Food Industry Develop & Reearch Authorities, it is known that in 100 grams of dragon fruit sugar found some 13 to 18 briks, fiber or dietary fiber a number of 0.7 to 0.9 grams, beta-carotene between 0.005 to 0.012 grams, as much calcium 6.3 to 8.8 milligrams, water levels as much as 82.5 to 83.0 grams, protein with a number of 0.16 to 0.23 grams, fat as much as 0.21 to 0.61, phosphorus 30.2 to 36, 1 milligram, iron 0.55 to 0.65, a variety of vitamins such as B1 as much as 0.28 to 0.30 mg, vitamin B2 with the amount of 0,043 to 0,045 milligrams of vitamin C between 8 to 9 milligrams, niacin contents in the levels of 1,297 to 1,300 milligrams and many others.

Dragon fruit cultivation :

In general , the dragon fruit cultivated by cuttings or sowing seeds . Plants will thrive if planted porous media ( not muddy ) , rich in nutrients , sand , enough sunshine and temperatures between 38-40 ° C. 

If treatment is good enough, the plant will start bear fruit at the age of 11-17 months. Dragon fruit is very adaptive, can be cultivated in various daearah with altitude 0-1200 m asl. The most important thing is getting enough sunlight is a requirement of red dragon fruit growth.

Dragon fruit can be grown with soil conditions and altitude of any location, but the plant will be greedy enough nutrients, so if the soil contains fertilizer is good, then the growth will be good. Within 1 year, dragon fruit tree can reach a height of 3 feet.

Scientific classification:

  • Division      :  Spermatophyta (seed plants)
  • Subdivision :  Agiospermae (seed enclosed)
  • Class          :  Dicotyledonae (dashed two)
  • Order         :  Cactales
  • Family        :  Cactaceae
  • Subfamily   :  Hylocereanea
  • Genus        :  Hylocereus
  • Species: 
  1. Hylocereus undatus (white meat)
  2. Hylocereus polyrhizus (red meat)
  3. Hylocereus costaricensis (super red meat)
  4. Selenicereus megalanthus (yellow skin, without scales)

Sunday 20 October 2013

Pisum sativum (Pea)

Pisum sativum (Pea) is an annual plant, with a life cycle of one year. This area is cold and plants grown in different parts of the world, planting can take place from winter to early summer depending on location. For the tropical type of pea is grown in areas of high, which is cool, this plant produce peas, when young will be used as fresh vegetables, especially in Asian countries.

The nuts grow wild within the Mediterranean basin and the Near East. Note that the archaeological data, peas has existed since the end of the Neolithic period in the region that is now known as Greece, Syria, Turkey, and Jordan. In Egypt, found the initial date of 4800 - 4400 BC in the Nile delta area, and from ca. 3800-3600 BC in Upper Egypt. Nuts are also present in Georgia in the 5th millennium BC. Peas are present in Afghanistan 2000 BC, in Harappa, Pakistan, and in northwest India in 2250-1750 BC. In the second half of the second millennium BC, this pulse crop appears in the Ganges basin and southern India.

Characteristic of the tree:

Peas or snow peas (Pisum sativum L. ssp. Sativum, the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae) is a kind of vegetable plants are easy to find in markets. Peas belonging to the vegetable fruits, meaning the fruit is eaten as a vegetable and are not classed as fruits, like tomatoes or peppers. This fruit, which is of type pod (legume), harvested when the seeds are still young and not yet full bloom, so that the flat-shaped and are still soft. In the use of these beans as a vegetable, if harvested too old then it will be a thick fibrous, and no longer suitable for consumption.

Peas is still is one of the earliest vegetables consumed by humans. In Asia, there is some evidence of cultivation in the border of Thailand and Myanmar 12 thousand years ago. Pea plants, which grow well in the highlands, grow vines that require support in conducting.

This plant includes seasonal crops in the form of shrubs and vines. The morphology, peas have long stems, small and slender, leaf type compound, pinnate with 2-3 pairs of young leaves, shaped bunches consisting of 1-2 flowers, green petals, leaves consist of 5 petals, numbered petals 5, white, brown, or pink, totaling ten stamens which are divided into 2 files. Ovary consists of 4 -15 ovule.

Pea outer skin color (either the outer skin of fruit and seeds) are usually green, but sometimes there is also a purple or golden yellow, pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a winter vegetable crops.

Nutritional value: Consumption of peas is recommended because it contains a number of compounds that are important for the body. The nuts contain a certain amount of energy with details of kilocalories, protein, phosphorus, calcium, carbohydrates, iron, some fat, vitamin A, vitamin B (riboflavin, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine), vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium and many others. Given its content-rich, pea is very good to eat. Its content of vitamin K can activate osteocalcin were berepran in calcium binding. Thus, we will avoid osteoporosis.

Another benefit is as a pea or anti-inflammatory compounds known as anti-inflammatory, especially for those who suffer from asthma, arthritis, IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also uric acid. For those who have a cold, snow peas consumption will help reduce the effects of the flu.

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz):

Energy 339 kJ (81 kcal), Carbohydrates 14.45 g, - Sugars 5.67 g, - Dietary fiber 5.1 g, Fat 0.4 g, Protein 5.42 g, Vitamin A equiv. 38 μg (5%), - beta-carotene 449 μg (4%), - lutein and zeaxanthin 2477 μg, Thiamine (vit. B1) 0.266 mg (23%), Riboflavin (vit. B2) 0.132 mg (11%), Niacin (vit. B3) 2.09 mg (14%), Vitamin B6 0.169 mg (13%), Folate (vit. B9) 65 μg (16%), Vitamin C 40 mg (48%), Vitamin E 0.13 mg (1%), Vitamin K 24.8 μg (24%), Calcium 25 mg (3%), Iron 1.47 mg (11%), Magnesium 33 mg (9%), Manganese 0.41 mg (20%), Phosphorus 108 mg (15%), Potassium 244 mg (5%), Sodium 5 mg (0%), Zinc 1.24 mg (13%). (Source: USDA Nutrient Database)

Scientific Classification:

  • Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
  • Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
  • Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
  • Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots)
  • Sub Class: Rosidae
  • Order: Fabales
  • Family: Fabaceae (legumes tribe)
  • Genus: Pisum
  • Species: Pisum sativum L.

Friday 18 October 2013

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum syn)

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum syn) is a plant belonging to the family Solanaceae, native plants of Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru. Tomato is a plant with a short life cycle, can grow as high as 1 to 3 meters. Tomato is a close relative of the potato. Tomato is a fruit that is more often used as a fruit vegetable that is very famous and be a part of the dining table anywhere in the world. Originate from subtropical climates in South America, but now has spread throughout the world.

According to the article, by Andrew F. Smith's "The Tomato in America,” the tomato probably originated from the highlands of the west coast of South America. After Spanish colonized South America, they spread the tomato plants into their colonies in the Caribbean. Spanish also brought the tomato to the Philippines then, is the starting point for the spread to other areas in the entire continent of Asia. Spanish also brought the tomato to Europe. This plant grows easily in temperate regions of the Mediterranean.

Characteristic of the tree:

• Roots

Has two types of tomato roots as well, namely a). taproot: grow through both land and b) hairy roots: growing spread sideways, but shallow on the surface of the ground.

• Trunk

Tomato plant stems or rectangular to round, soft but strong enough trunked, hairy or smooth-haired and between the feathers are hair glands. Green colored plant stems. In the thickened stem segments and the bottom segment grows short roots, in addition to branching stems of tomato plants and branches of larger diameter when compared with other vegetable crops.

• Leaves

Tomato plant leaves are oval, serrated leaf edges and cracks forming pinnate and slightly curved inward. Green colored leaves and an odd compound leaves of about 3-6 cm. Among the large leaves usually grow 1-2 leaves are small. Compound leaves on tomato plants grown arranged alternately or spiral around the stem of the plant.

• Flowers

Tomato flowers are small, about 2 cm in diameter and colored bright yellow, numbered 5 petals and green fruit found in the most beautiful part of the flower color is bright yellow tomatoes amounted to 6 pieces. Tomato flowers are perfect flowers for pollen or pollen and anthers or stamens head formed at the same rate.

• Fruits

Tomato fruit shape varies, depending on varieties there is a round, slightly rounded, somewhat oval and ovate (oval). Fruit size also varies, the smallest weighs 8 grams and has a great weight of 180 grams. Young fruit colored light green, to red when ripe. His skin is always smooth, slick and shiny.

Tomato fruit has several varieties, among others, namely;

a. Regular tomato (L. commune)

Flat round fruit shape and grooved-groove near the stems and soft, tomatoes are widely grown by farmers and easily available in the market.

b. Apple tomato (L. pyriform)

Round fruit shape, sturdy and tough little bit like apples. Tomato is a crossbreed apples of various kinds of tomato fruit are large and heavy.

c. Potato tomato (L. grandiforlum)

Slightly oval fruit shape and hard, its leaf curling, lush and dark green colored. Tomato varieties of them Geraldton smooth skin and Indian river, is widely grown varieties of ground plateau-fruiting tomato varieties are among "Money Maker", which is a bit wild resistant to wilt disease and rainwater.

Nutrition :

Tomatoes are now eaten freely throughout the world . They contain the carotene lycopene , one of the most powerful natural antioxidants . In some studies , lycopene , especially in cooked tomatoes , has been found to help prevent prostate cancer , but other studies contradict this statement Lycopene has also been shown to improve the skin's ability to protect the skin from harmful UV rays A study conducted by researchers at Manchester and Newcastle universities revealed that tomatoes can protect against the sun's rays and help keep skin looking young . Natural genetic variation in tomatoes and their wild relatives has given a genetic genes that produce lycopene , carotene , anthocyanin , and other antioxidants . Tomato varieties are available with double the normal vitamin C ( Doublerich ) , 40 times normal vitamin A ( 97L97 ) , high levels of anthocyanin (resulting in blue tomatoes ) , and two to four times the normal amount of lycopene ( many cultivars are available with high red gene ) .

Scientific classification:

  • Kingdom        : Plantae (Plants)
  • Subkingdom   : Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
  • Division          : Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
  • Class              : Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots)
  • Sub Class       : Asteridae
  • Order             : Solanales
  • Family             : Solanaceae (tribe eggplants)
  • Genus             : Solanum
  • Species           : Solanum lycopersicum

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Rice (Oryza sativa and Oriza glaberrima)

Rice is the most widely consumed staple food of the world’s, especially in Asia. Rice is the seed of the Rice Plant a monocot plant that have two main species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) and Oriza glaberrima (African rice). This plant is origin to China (Pearl River valley) and spread to Southeast and South Asia since 1500 BC. Rice introduced to Europe through Western Asia. European colonization then bring it to Americas.

Rice cultivation is also one of the most important human civilizations, now rice cultivation become the second largest food plant cultivation after maize (corn), and rice is the most important carbohydrate source of worldwide humans. 

The importance of rice for mankind was illustrated from so much research projects and development of the quality and quantity of rice production, continues holds either by the various state agencies, universities and world research institutes such as the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). IRRI is an international independent research and training organization with headquarters in Los Banos, Laguna in the Philippines. This organization has offices in sixteen countries.

Characteristic of the tree:

Rice or Paddy included in the tribe or Poaceae grains. Terna season, fibrous roots, stems very short. Similar structures formed from a series of rods that support each leaf midrib between the leaf midrib perfect and upright. Lancet-shaped leaves, light green to dark green, parallel veined leaves, covered with short hairs and sparse, composed of compound interest section, type branched panicles, flowers called florets units located on a single spikelet sitting on paniculate.

Seed and Reproduction:

Type of grain or fruit that cannot be distinguished caryopsis where fruits and seeds, nearly spherical to oval shapes, sizes 3mm to 15mm, covered by paleas and lemma which in everyday language is called chaff, the dominant structure of ordinary rice is kind endosperm.

Each rice flower has six anthers (anthers) and the stigma (stigma) forked shaped bottlebrush. Both of these sexual organs are generally sexually mature at the same time. Anthers sometimes out of the paleas and lemma if it has been ripe. In terms of reproduction, rice is self-pollinating plant, because 95% or more pollen to fertilize the same egg plant. Once fertilization occurs, the zygote and the fertilized polar nuclei divide immediately.

Form a zygote develops into an embryo and endosperm polar nuclei. At the end of development, most of the rice grains starchy endosperm section. For young plants, starch is used as a source of nutrition.

Genetics and breeding:

A set of rice genome consists of 12 chromosomes. Because rice is a diploid plant, each cell has 12 pairs of chromosomes of rice (except sex cells). Rice is a model organism in plant genetics study, was based for two reasons: its importance to humankind, and the relatively small size of the chromosomes, which is 1.6 ~ 2.3 × 108 base pairs (base pairs, bp). As a model plant, rice genome has been sequenced, as well as the human genome. Genetic improvement of rice has been going on since humans cultivate rice. The result of this action is the knowledge of a variety of local races, such as 'Rajalele' from Klaten or 'Pandanwangi' of Cianjur in Indonesia or 'Basmati Rice' from northern India.

New rice breeding systematically carried out since the establishment of IRRI in the Philippines as part of a world movement of agricultural modernization, dubbed as the Green Revolution. Since then comes the variety of rice cultivars with high yield to feed the world. The first two modern rice cultivars is 'IR5' and 'IR8'. Thousands of crosses then designed to produce cultivars with high yield potential and resistance to various pests and diseases of rice.

Since the 1970s have sought the development of hybrid rice, which has a higher yield potential. Due to the high cost of manufacture, this type cultivars are sold at higher prices than rice cultivars that are assembled with other methods.

In addition to improved yield potential, rice-breeding objectives also include the plants that are more resistant to a variety of plant pests and pressure (stress) a biotic (such as drought, salinity, and acid soils). Breeding aimed at improving the quality of rice was also performed, for examples by designing cultivars that contain carotene (pro vitamin A).

The presence of biotechnology and genetic engineering in the 1980s allows improvement of rice quality. A number of research teams in Switzerland developed transgenic rice that can produce toxins for pest-eating grain in the hope of lowering the use of pesticides.

IRRI, in collaboration with several other institutions, assemble "golden rice" (Golden Rice) which can result in provitamin A in rice, which is directed to the alleviation of vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. A team of Japanese researchers are also developing rice that produces cholera toxin to bacteria. Paddy rice produced expected this to be an alternative immunization cholera, especially in developing countries.

Genetic diversity :

Until now there are two species of mankind cultivated rice in bulk : Oryza sativa originating from Asia and O. glaberrima originating from West Africa .

In the early O. sativa is considered consists of two subspecies , indica and japonica ( synonym sinica ) . Japonica rice are generally long-lived , high but easy posture fall , lemmanya has a " tail " or " feather " ( awn ) , seeds tend to be rounded , and sticky rice . Indica rice , by contrast , shorter-lived , smaller stature , the lemma is not her " fur " or just short , and grains tend to be oval to oblong . Although both members of this subspecies can fertilize each other , is not a high percentage of success . Famous example of this is the result of crossing cultivars ' IR8 ' , which were selected from crosses japonica ( cultivar ' Deegeowoogen ' of Formosa ) and indica ( cultivar ' Map ' of Indonesia) . In addition to these two varieties , known javanica minor varieties which have the properties of the two main types above . Javanica varieties are only found on the island of Java.

Study with the help of molecular biological techniques have now shown that in addition to the two subspecies of O. sativa, indica and japonica, but there is also a minor subspecies be adaptive based on location. The subspecies mentioned are such as Upland rice from Bangladesh, royada (tidal swamp rice from Bangladesh), Ashina (tidal rice from India), and aromatic (fragrant rice from South Asia and Iran, including the famous basmati rice). This grouping is done using RFLP marker assisted with isozyme.

Genetic studies using SSR markers to the cell nucleus and two genomic loci on the chloroplast genome suggests that indica and japonica differentiation is steady, but it turns out japonica typically divided into three groups: temperate japonica ("japonica cool region" of China, Korea, and Japan), tropical japonica ("japonica tropical regions" of the archipelago), and aromatic. Subspecies aus a separate group.

Based on the evidence of the molecular evolution estimated indica and japonica groups separately since 440,000 years ago from an ancestral species populations of O. rufipogon. Rice domestication occurred in different places point to separate the two groups who had this. Based on archaeological evidence of rice began to be cultivated (domesticated) 10,000 to 5,000 years BC.

Continuous struggle of humankind to find the best rice varieties will never stop, along with increased consumption of these carbohydrates in the world that is inversely proportional to the area of agricultural land continues to decline.

There are about 723 metric tons worldwide rice production in the recent years with China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Vietnam in the five biggest rice producers of the world.

Scientific classification:

  • Kingdom         : Plantae (Plants)
  • Subkingdom    : Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
  • Division          : Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
  • Class               : Liliopsida (dashed one / monocot)
  • Sub Class       : Commelinidae
  • Order              : Poales
  • Family            : Poaceae (grasses tribe)
  • Genus             : Oryza
  • Species            : Oryza sativa,Oriza glaberrima

Citrus aurantifolia ( Lemon or Key lime )

Lemon or Key Lime or Citrus aurantifolia, is a herbaceous plant which has many branches and twigs, approximately 0.5 to 3.5 m high. Included in the group of citrus plants, this plant originated from South East Asia, spread to the Middle East, North Africa, then to Spain and Andalusia. Before reaching the sub tropical areas in American countries such as Mexico, Florida and California.

Characteristic of the tree:

Woody trunk tenacious, thorny, and hard. Medium colored outer skin surface of dark gray and dull greenish. The leaves are compound, with elliptical base rounded, blunt tip, and the jagged edge. The leaves can reach 2.5 to 9 cm long and 2-5 cm wide. While bone pinnate leaves with winged stalks, green and 5-25 mm wide. 

Lime plant has a taproot. In common with types of citrus, the lemon tree also likes places that can get direct sunlight.

Type of flowers, can be a compound or single flowers that grow in axillary or at the end of the stem, flower diameter between 1,5 - 2,5 cm. Petals shaped like a bowl to share 4-5 with a diameter of 0.4 to 0.7 cm, and a beige colored pistils cylindrical stalk. Corolla numbered 4-5, oval or oblong with a long 0.7 to 1.25 cm wide and 0.25 to 0.5 cm white. Lime plant usually begins to bear fruit at the age of 2 1/2 years.

The Fruit: 

This kind of orange tasted very sour, almost no sweetness at all. Largest form of lime reached a maximum of only as big as a ping-pong ball, green when young, and turns yellow when ripe. When opened it will be very pronounced sour flavor. In terms of food or drink, the fruit is usually used water, almost no one eating it directly. However, orange juice can be part of a very refreshing drink. For tropical countries, fruit and its leaves are also used as a spice in cooking them.

Lime juice is the best material to eliminate the fishy odor coming from the egg. In addition, lemon juice is also beneficial because it contains a substance - the following substances:

Lime fruit contains elements of chemical compounds that are useful , for example : citric acid , amino acids ( tryptophan , lysine ) , essential oils ( citral , limonene , felandren , lemon camphor , kadinen , Gerani - lasetat , linali - lasetat , aktilaldehid , nonildehid ) , resin , glycosides , citric acid, fat , calcium , phosphorus , iron , sulfur, vitamin B1 and C. In addition , lemon also contains saponins and flavonoids compounds hesperidin ( hesperetin 7 - rutinosida ) , tangeretin , naringin , eriocitrin , eriocitrocide . Hesperidin useful for anti-inflammatory , antioxidant , and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis .

Hesperidin also inhibited azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon carcinogenesis in the rabbit, and also inhibits N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxy-butyl) nitrosamine-induced urinary bladder carcinogenesis in rats (Chang, 2001). Lemon juice also contains 7% essential oil containing citral, limonene, fenchon, terpineol, bisabolene, and other terpenoids. Guo, et al. (2006) have observed that D-Limonene can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in HL-60 cells and K562 cells.


Terms growth, ideally require 6-9 wet months (rainy season), rainfall 1000-2000 mm / yr evenly throughout the year, have enough water, especially in the month of July-August. Optimal temperature between 25-30 ° C and optimum humidity around 70-80%. Wind speed of more than 40-48% would destroy flowers and fruit. Optimum elevation between 1-1200 m asl. Orange juice is not like a place protected from sunlight. Latosol Andosol soil types and is perfect, the degree of acidity of the soil (soil pH) is 5.5-6.5. Optimum soil water at a depth of 150-200 cm below the soil surface. In the dry season, 150 cm and 50 cm in the rainy season. Lime plants like salt water containing approximately 10%.

Seeding: Seeding can be done by generative and vegetative:

A. Generative Method:

Seeds extracted from fruits by squeezing the fruit that has been cut. Dried beans in a place that is not exposed for 2-3 days until the mucus is lost. Then deployed in the nursery yag already prepared. However, breeding in this way will require a very long time to bear fruit, it needs about 5-6 years before the tree can bear fruit.

B. Vegetative Methods:

There are two methods applying on vegetative: transplanting or grafting. Grafting is a method of seed multiplication by shoot tip grafting and attachment of the eye patch. For both these ways need to be prepared root stock  were selected from the type of lime with strong roots and a broad, high environmental adaptability, drought resistant, resistant / tolerant to viral diseases, root rot and nematodes. Rootstock varieties commonly used is Japanese citroen, Rough lemon, Cleopatra, Troyer citrange Citrange and Carizzo. After the shoot tip grafting or attachment of the eye patch.

Time to start fruiting will be shorter than generative method, seed that made by grafting or transplanting will began to bear fruit on about 2 ½ year since planting time.

Planting: Lime seedlings can be planted in the rainy season or dry season when the water available for watering, but better to be planted early in the rainy season. Before planting, necessary to: (a) Reduction of excessive leaves and branches; (b) Reduction of the root; (c) Setting the root position lest there folded.

Scientific classification:
    • Kingdom                : Plantae (Plants)
    • Subkingdom           : Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
    • Super Division       : Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
    • Division                 : Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
    • Class                      : Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots)
    • Sub Class              : Rosidae
    • Order                    : Sapindales
    • Family                  : Rutaceae (citrus tribe)
    • Genus                   : Citrus
    • Species                  : Citrus aurantifolia