Mango (Mangifera indica) is one kind of tropical fruit that goes into the genus Mangifera that consists of about 40 members and Anarcardiaceae tribal.
Mango trees including higher plants the stem structure (habitus) group included arboreus, woody plants with stem height of more than 5m. Generally, the tree height can reach 10-40m.
Naming mango comes from the Malayalam language, in Kerala, India. Spread to Europe and the rest of the world after brought by the Portuguese.
Believed the fruit came from the border of India and Myanmar, and has spread since about 1500 years ago.
Hardwood trees, can reach 40 m height or more, but commonly cultivated trees only grow to about 10 m. Trunk erect, strong branching, leafy, leaves oval or elongated shape. The bark is thick and rough, fissured and scaly, color dark brown bark, grayish-brown when older.
Compound type of mango flowers, Consists of major flower to many branches, each main branch has branches, flower on any amount of compound interest can achieve 1000-6000.
Bouquet of flowers in mixed pairs, there are male but there are also a hermaphrodite, major flower approximately 6-8 mm, more male flowers than the hermaphrodite flower. Sari yarn amounted to 5 pieces, but are fertile only one or two alone. Fertile stamens are usually almost equal in length with the pistil.
The fruit.
There are hundreds of varieties of mangoes in the world today, both native and cultivated varieties.Large and diverse forms, some round, oval, elongated to resemble an apple. Outer skin can be yellow, light green, dark green, reddish green, to purple, all depending on varieties.
Mango flesh is usually orange and yellow when old and ripe. White colored greenish when young, young mangos in Southeast Asia are used as ingredients of processed food types.
Mango Nutritional Ingredients, According to U.S. food authorities.
Carbohydrates 17.00 g, Sugars 14.8 g, dietary fiber 1.8 g, Fat 0.27 g Protein 0.51 g Vitamin A equiv. 38 mg (4%), Beta-carotene 445 mg (4%), Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.058 mg (4%), Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.057 mg (4%), Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.584 mg (4%), pantothenic acid (B5) 0.160 mg (3%), Vitamin B6 0.134 mg (10%), Folate (Vit. B9) 14 mg (4%), Vitamin C 27.7 mg (46%) , Calcium 10 mg (1%), Iron 0.13 mg (1%), Magnesium 9 mg (2%), Phosphorus 11 mg (2%), Potassium 156 mg (3%), Zinc 0.04 mg (0 %).
The world's biggest mango producer countries in a row are: India, China, Mexico, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia and Brazil.
Economic potential:
The fruit is favored by many people in all parts of the world and very rarely cause allergies, also has a complete nutritional content.
Over it all, the mango fruit is very delicious, sweet, and sour combined into one, with thick flesh and generally smooth. Have a variety of different flavors, giving consumers the option to select it.
Mango generally enjoyed directly in fresh condition, peeled, and then immediately enjoyed. Now mango is already part of the taste of the food industry, industrial candy, syrups, and various other food industries requires raw mango as an ingredient.
You certainly can imagine yourself how much of the economic potential of this fruit as a whole.
Scientific classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Angiospermae
Order : Sapindales
Family : Anacardiaceae
Genus : Mangifera
Species : M. indica
Binomial name : Mangifera indica